Here are some questions we frequently get.

How do we start Post-Offer Testing?

Its as simply as could be. We can offer it at virtually any location you need and for all types of work we just need to be consistent for each job classification and location.

Who do I contact if I need to schedule a test?

No matter how many sites you operate at you only need to know one number and thats our main number: (307) 921-2334

How much does a test cost?

Most our tests cost around $150/test could vary depending the sites administering the test and the complexity selected for the testing battery.

What do your tests test for?

Our tests are based on multi-joint functional movements that incorporate all major joints multi-directional movements. The tests is designed to find current injuries, weaknesses or lack of function to complete desired tasks.

How and when do I get results?

Results are typically reported in the same day the tests are given, but always within the next business day.

What do the Post Offer Test results tell me?

Our reports will give you a risk rating for the potential hire. They may say they scored a 24 out of 30 points and are considered moderate risk due to a low back issue that was present during testing for example. There would be some advice on how to address the cited issues if you were to proceed with the hire.